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Search Codex


Hi! welcome to the search page of the site. Before you start please take a look at this quick reference guide. It will explain a few things

Code of Colors


Depending on the Collection - colors will be named in different ways.


Black - Carbon | Dahlia | Noir | Negro

White - Nebula | Lily | Veil 

Red - Ruby | Rose | Rojo | Rouge

Orange - Spessartite | Sundaze | Naranja

Yellow - Gold | Sunflower | Amarillo | Jaune

Green - Emerald | Jade Vine | Verde | Vert

Blue - Aquamarine | Hydrangea | Azul | Bleu

Purple - Amethyst | Lavender | Violet | Violette

Pink - Mahenge | Cantuta | Rosado 


Rainbow - Cosmos | Colorwild | Paradise

Code of Collections


Here are the names of DigiTile Collections


 Carbon | Nebula | Spectrum | OddFlower | OddSpectrum | Antiquities

 Ashes | Candy | Estampado | Collider | Majestics | Neon | Kaleidoscope

 Veil | Metal | Mosaics | Party | OddCandy | Gambler | Papercut

Amalgam | Digital Age

2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2020 | 1623 | 1723 | 1823


For items in Art, Music, Photography; It's best to know

the title of the work. Thank you!


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